Departing Personnel Data Management and Access Form
The Departing Personnel Data Management and Access Policy specifies the appropriate disposition of Stanford High Risk Data in the possession of any departing member of the Stanford Community.
This form serves as an attestation for departing personnel who will not require continuing access to any Stanford data and as a request form for those who wish to request continuing access.
You should review the Departing Personnel Data Management and Access Policy prior to completing this form. It is important for you to provide as much information as possible to support your request for continuing access to Stanford Data.
Departing personnel are not authorized to access High Risk Data after leaving Stanford without approval from the Data Governance Board.
Questions about the form should be directed to the University Privacy Office at
Are you completing this form on behalf of someone else?
You may NOT submit an attestation for someone else, except that a manager may submit the request where the departing person in not available. In that case, enter the departing person's SUNet ID and information.
SUNet ID of person completing the form on behalf of departing individual
* must provide value
SUNet ID of Departing Person
* must provide value
You may NOT submit an attestation for someone else, except that a manager may submit the request where the departing person in not available.
Name of Departing Person
* must provide value
You may NOT submit an attestation for someone else, except that a manager may submit the request where the departing person in not available.
* must provide value
* must provide value
Primary department
* must provide value
School or Administrative Unit
* must provide value
Graduate School of Business School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences Graduate School of Education School of Engineering School of Humanities and Sciences School of Law School of Medicine Vice Provost and Dean of Research Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education Vice Provost for Graduate Education Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning Hoover Institution Stanford University Libraries SLAC Business Affairs Development General Counsel & Public Safety Land, Buildings and Real Estate President and Provost Office Public Affairs Stanford Alumni Association Stanford Management Company Student Affairs Undergraduate Admission and Financial Aid University Human Resources Athletics (Operations and Financial Aid) Residential & Dining Enterprises Other
Specify other Administrative Unit
Last day at Stanford?
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
New Institution, if applicable
Supervisor/manager/department chair email
* must provide value
The option " " can only be selected by itself. Selecting this option will clear your previous selections for this checkbox field. Are you sure?
I will require continued access to the following Data Type(s) or servers, databases, or applications containing the following Data Type(s):
Data Risk Classifications * must provide value
Are you listed on any active IRB protocols where you have not completely transitioned off?
* must provide value
List all active IRB protocol numbers where you have not completely transitioned off.
I, ______ , have read and understood the Policy titled, "Departing Personnel Data Management and Access," and, if I handle Hospital data, I have read and understood the Hospital's departing personnel policy.
* must provide value
______ , certify that, if I had any of the following, I have worked with my manager and my department's IT resources to return or relinquish:
ORIGINALS of all Stanford Data, as defined by RPH 1.9, and any means to access such Data
Administrative access to all Stanford Data and systems, including research Data
Stanford-owned computing devices (laptops, desktops, tablets, phones, and other devices)
Stanford-owned storage devices (hard drives, flash drives, or other media)
Notebooks, including lab notebooks, employee charts, and meeting notes
Database/registry passcodes
Keys and access cards
All other Stanford assets
Yes, I certify to all of the above.
No, I don't certify.
I never had access to any of these.
If no, explain below.
I, ______ , have worked with my manager and my department's IT resources to relinquish access to all Stanford systems, servers, and applications (e.g., Epic, STRIDE, Medicine Box, Cerner, Oracle E-Business Suite, SeRA) and agree not to access or use any systems, servers or applications without explicit written permission.
* must provide value
Yes No
If no, explain below.
I, ______ , have removed all contractually-bound or Stanford High Risk Data from my personal devices, including laptops, desktops, tablets, phones, and external storage devices.
* must provide value
Yes No
If no, explain below.
I, ______ , certify that any retained data is fully de-identified and that I will not attempt to re-identify the data.
* must provide value
Yes No
If no, explain below.
I, ______ , agree not to access or use any contractually-obligated or Stanford High Risk Data after departure, even if access privileges have not been revoked.
* must provide value
Yes No
If no, explain below.
I request continued access to the following type(s) of information (select all that apply and provide justification for need to access post-separation below):
* must provide value
I am requesting human subjects data under the following IRB protocols:
List all applicable IRB protocol numbers
The Stanford Data that I will be accessing/handling will be physically located in or housed in a server located in:
* must provide value
Specify country(ies) where Stanford Data will be physically housed.
* must provide value
I will be accessing Stanford Data from:
Specify country(ies) from which you will access Stanford Data.
* must provide value
Please provide any other relevant information related to continued access to Stanford Data.
______ , acknowledge the following:
I certify that any request meets the Minimum Necessary standard.
I acknowledge and accept a duty to immediately report to the Stanford Privacy Office any breach or suspected breach of the Data for which use or access is approved.
I agree to accept full responsibility and stewardship for the Data and to comply with all Stanford policies concerning individuals' privacy, information security, HIPAA, and any other relevant Stanford policies.
I agree to only use and disclose the Data as approved by the IRB, or as permitted by my contract, if no IRB review is required.
I agree to comply with any security or risk mitigation plan that has been approved as part of my request.
Excluding the Data specifically approved for continued access above, I have worked with my IT resources to relinquish access to all other Stanford systems, servers, and applications (e.g. Epic, STRIDE, Medicine Box, Cerner, Oracle E-Business Suite, SeRA) and agree not to access or use any systems, servers or applications without explicit permission.
Excluding the Data specifically approved for continued access above, I have removed all other Contractually-bound or Stanford High Risk Data from my personal devices, including computers, tablets, phones, and external storage devices.
Excluding the Data specifically approved for continued access above, I agree not to access or use any Contractually-bound or Stanford High Risk Data after departure, even if access privileges have not been revoked.
* must provide value
Yes, I certify to all of the above.
No, I don't certify.
If no, explain above.
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